CAREER-VIEW MIRROR - biographies of colleagues in the automotive and mobility industries.
CAREER-VIEW MIRROR offers career lessons from the experiences of senior leaders and rising stars in the exciting global automotive industry. Aquilae's Managing Director, Andy Follows, hosts candid conversations, reflecting on their career journeys to help you with yours.
CAREER-VIEW MIRROR - biographies of colleagues in the automotive and mobility industries.
Side Mirror: Time Management
In a recent Aquilae Academy peer mentoring session, team members were discussing how leaders can make time for themselves to do what the author Cal Newport calls "Deep work" when it seems that as soon as they walk through the door everyone wants to speak to them.
On a call with a woman I am mentoring, she asked how can I manage all the demands on me without becoming stressed and overwhelmed.
When I launched our Fulfilling Performance newsletter, Release the handbrake! on Substack, a couple of readers were quick to ask how Fulfilling Performance can help us to manage the barrage of demands on our time.
It seems it's about time for a Side Mirror about time and how we can use the Fulfilling Performance paradigm to manage it. In this series of Side Mirror episodes I am going to show you how to apply those four Guiding Principles: Know why, Be clear, Equip yourself, and Support others to manage your time more effectively.
In this episode I'll start with some helpful paradigms. In our upcoming episodes I'll introduce each of the Guiding Principles in turn and explain how they apply here.
About Andy
I'm an experienced business leader and a passionate developer of people in the automotive finance industry, internationally.
During over twenty five years, I have played a key role in developing businesses including Alphabet UK, BMW Corporate Finance UK, BMW Financial Services Singapore, BMW Financial Services New Zealand and Tesla Financial Services UK.
At the same time, I have coached individuals and delivered leadership development programmes in 17 countries across Asia, Europe and North America.
I started Aquilae in 2016 to enable “Fulfilling Performance” in the mobility industry, internationally.
Check out Tim Urban’s post: Your life in weeks
Learn more about Fulfilling Performance
Check out Release the handbrake! The Fulfilling Performance Hub.
Connect with Andy
LinkedIn: Andy Follows
Email: cvm@aquilae.co.uk
Join a guided peer mentoring team: Aquilae Academy
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ASKE Consulting
Email: hello@askeconsulting.co.uk
Email: cvm@aquilae.co.uk
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Episode recorded on 23 October, 2024.